Bromeliads are a group of interesting plants that offer exotic looks in both foliage and
flowers, yet require surprisingly easy care. Everyone is familiar with the pineapple,
which is a bromeliad. So is the ubiquitous Spanish Moss of the South. Spanish Moss
belongs to the fascinating genus of tillandsias, aka “air plants”, which make up about a
third of all bromeliads. Like most bromeliads, tillandsias are epiphytes, a two-bit word
that means a plant that uses other plants for support using aerial roots. (Note: There are
also terrestrial bromeliads with soil-dependent roots.) Epiphytes are not parasitic, but
rather get all the nutrients they need from dust, leaves, and debris that collect around
them; natural compost if you will. Although most tillandsia foliage is nondescript gray or
green, varieties can have fantastic curled, spiky, or fluffy leaves and flamboyantly
colored flowers. Tillandsias make great houseplants, requiring just occasional misting,
and are a good introduction to their larger, more showy cousins.
Anyone who has vacationed in Florida, Hawaii, or other sub-tropical or tropical areas
will have noticed the many varieties of colorful bromeliads that are used extensively in
both residential and commercial landscaping. In colder areas, they make great
houseplants and are becoming increasingly available at plant shops, big box stores, and
even groceries. Favorites are those that have colorful leaves growing tightly together to
form what is called a tank. The cup-shaped tank holds water, so caring for these
epiphytes basically consists of keeping water in the tank. These plants are sold potted,
but remember that the roots do not feed on nutrients in the soil and will rot in soil that
stays too wet, so keep barely moist. You might want to repot your plants in orchid
planting mix after a few years, if the original soil breaks down. They can even be
mounted on a branch or piece of cork for an attractive display, with sphagnum moss
around the roots to keep them moist.
These varieties off bromeliads have tough, very colorful leaves that can be solid,
speckled, or with stripes of red, pink, yellow, purple, cream, and/or green. Brightly
colored bracts, some leaf-like and others with exotic, even bizarre forms from which the
smaller “true” flowers emerge, last for many weeks. After flowering, the mother plant will
die, but fortunately, it will have “pupped” and you’ll end up with new plants.
Bromeliad care is actually quite easy. Place where they will get at least a few hours of
bright light, avoiding midday sunlight. The more colorful the leaves, the more light they
like. It’s important that they are watered with rain water, distilled, or filtered water, never
tap water. For feeding, use quarter-strength African Violet fertilizer, sprayed on the leafs
once a month, year-round. Note: The only terrestrial bromeliad you are likely to come
across for sale is the primitive-looking “Earth Star” of the Cryptanthus genus, which do
need to be potted and watered like other houseplants.
For interesting, beautiful, easy care houseplants, add some bromeliads to your
Happy gardening!