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Pinus strobus (White Pine) 'Stowe Pillar'
For reference only. Not currently for sale.
Light: Full to Part Sun
Type: Conifer
Photo by Conifer Kingdom
Pinus strobus 'Stowe Pillar' is a very narrow columnar form of eastern white pine — purportedly even narrower 'Fastigata'. Its tight branching makes it more resistant than the species to breaking under heavy, wet snow load. Ideal for tight spaces or as a vertical element that is less dense or rigid than the junipers or Chamaecyparis cultivars that often serve that purpose.
After 10 years of growth, a mature specimen will measure 8 to 12' (2.5 - 4 m) tall and one third as wide, an annual growth rate of around 12" (30 cm). (Source: American Conifer Society)
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